Monday, August 10, 2009

A cornucopia of thanks to all who have fired their fabulous spark-throwing, Whistling Dixie submissions at our tiny internet mailbox! They are explosive and beautiful.

We'll respond just as quickly as we can, but please have patience as our numbers are few.

Thanks, too, for all of the continued sweet and generous words of support.

Do us a favor and see if you lovely writers can spread the word to your visual/sonic art friends. We have some great stuff lined up but would love to have more! Also, if you are writer who makes art, or who collaborates with artists, don't hesitate to submit a grand hybrid or two.

Spread the word if you like, by using the following image, and linking using the html code below.
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Super Arrow"></a>

Working in the Salt Mines of Your Brain's Tool Shed & Your Heart's Rumpus Room, Dearly,

Super Arrow

P.S. We just got word today that we're listed on Duotrope. Look at us go!

P.P.S. We're not sayin', but we might be sayin'...under 122 hours until the wormhole to Issue 1 submissions closes forever. Then how will you ever get to our region of space-time?