Do not miss the sweetly burgeoning ecstasy which will happen THIS SATURDAY when our friend/hero
Stirrup Pants, (your Saturday chapbook shop), opens its doors to the public for the first time at 2122 Cherokee. Dreamily-eyed and word-loving brethren will find it difficult to resist chapbooks from Glitter Pony, Invisible Ear, Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs, Sarabande/Quarternote, TinFish Press and Ugly Duckling Presse. Also on hand will be Water Bears to sonically massage your ears into thinking you're in heaven, if you believe in that sort of thing. Maybe even if you don't?
Mosey over, somewhere between 10 and 3. Super Arrow business cards will be making a cameo.

SUBMISSION UPDATE: We're gathering your jeweled acorns of creative levity and gravity, and will be digging them up this winter (READ: summer's end, the post-deadline August 15) to gorge. Thanks so much for sending your work! Keep doing it, keep spreading the word. You have just under a month until! Procrastinate if you must, but don't forget. We love your potential works already.
Sincerely & With Great Admiration,
Super Arrow