We are tickled to say that we've been getting visitors and submissions from all over the world, and deeply appreciate each and every missive.
We want to encourage potential submitters to
read our full mission statement -- included below, or just click
here -- to get a good idea of what we're looking for as we put together this first issue of breathless, gymnastic and rigorous works. Check out -- and take seriously the intent of generative activity -- the first
ASSIGNMENT below, or
right here.
ALSO we want to put out
a special siren's call to all of the fiction and creative nonfiction writers out there, (whether you write short or long, quiet or freak-out weird prose) AND to those
artists who are not used to submitting things electronically or possibly at all. We want your stuff, so badly that we feel the want bristling in our toes during every hour of the clock.
FINALLY, please make sure to spread the word. This project is all about connectivity and support for and by art-makers.
And thank you for the kind words in your e-mails. It makes us blush and then, red-faced, labor with increasing vigor.
With much gratitude and love,
Super Arrow